Call for Papers - Emerging Voices in Animal Geography

Jamie Arathoon is organising a PGR/ECR-focused session at this year's Royal Geographical Society Conference in London, sponsored by the AGWG. Please find our call for papers below. 

Animal geography is offering new perspectives across the discipline: from political geographies to cultural geography. Animal geographers bring unique perspectives and theorisations to spatial thinking. Responding to the chair’s theme of mapping, animal geographers have long looked at distributional patterns of animals but today are engaging creative and digital methodologies to subvert human ideas of mapping. But animal geographers are not only interested in mapping and maps: they are finding new ways to engage with and understand the non-human world, and much of this research is being pioneered by emerging scholars. This session will showcase the research of postgraduate and early career researchers looking at animals and their geographies across the world.

This panel invites submissions of new work from emerging voices in animal geography/geographies, or from geographers across the discipline working with animals. We invite papers that respond to the conference theme of mapping, and also those beyond the theme, for example:

·       Mapping animals/animal maps

·       Animals and environments

·       Animals and the future

·       Creative animal geographies

·       Digital animal geographies

·       Methodologies for animals’ geographies

·       Any other element of animal geographies

The session(s) will be structured around presentations followed by a Q&A. If you would like to take part in this session, please send a proposed paper title and abstract (max. 250 words) to Dr Jamie Arathoon ( by Friday 23rd February with the subject line “RGSIBG 2024: Animal Geographies”. 



Bound by Blood: Biomedical geographies of shrimp, jellyfish, and horseshoe crabs.


The reinvention of industrial pig farming in Catalonia